
We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui Unknown Wednesday, July 19, 2017 129 Comments

We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui
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Introducing ‘we Can Do it’, by FISM 2009 Manipulation 1st Prize Winner, Han Seol-Hui!
This is it.
Everything you need to know about CD manipulation.
Brought to you by the best performer in the field.
‘we Can Do it’ covers the very basics of CD manipulation, from the basic palms and production techniques, up to the routines and
sequences of Han Seol-Hui.
With English subtitles, Han Seol-Hui explains tips for performing manipulation with CDs.
What are the problems when performing CD manipulation, and how can we solve them?
Enjoy watching and learning world class material, from a magician who has risen to the top of the field with manipulation using CDs.
Tenkai Palm, CD Count Control, Double Lift, Lateral Palm, Pivot, Perfect Production, Multiple Perfect Production, Finger Rolling, Silk Change, Back Palm Production, Re-Grip Production, Color Change, Wilson Palm, Interlock, Mini CD, CD Star
Professional Routines:
Thunderbird CD Routine, Basic CD Production Routine, One CD Routine, Re-Grip Routine (Card Style), SH’s Original CD Production Routine, Color Change Routine, Mini CD Routine (Ball Type)
Bonus Tricks:
Pocket Topit, Back Pocket Steal, Table Holding, CD Diminishing Routine, CD Throwing Vanish
Removing the Friction, Preventing Reflection (CD Taping), Angles for CD Manipulation, Required Materials, Making a CD Holder, Making a Double-Faced CD, Special Thanks To, Final Thoughts
We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui
We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui,free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей

We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui,free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей

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We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui,free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей

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We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui,free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей

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Link Google Drive
Password : comment your email 

We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui,free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей 
by KK Magic

KK Magic is a Web Share Magic tutorial. Web chia sẻ DVD Ảo Thuật hoàn toàn miễn phí. Cám ơn bạn đã ghé thăm. Theo Dõi chúng tôi để cập nhật nhiều DVD mới nhe !

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    1. We Can Do it by Han Seol-Hui
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