
MOVE by Gianni Vox Unknown Saturday, June 17, 2017 15 Comments

MOVE by Gianni Vox

Move by Gianni Vox Ellusionist, Move by Gianni Vox, Ao Thuat, Day Ao Thuat, Dia Ao Thuat, hoc ao thuat, mien phi, Gianni Vox

Move by Gianni Vox Ellusionist, Move by Gianni Vox, Ao Thuat, Day Ao Thuat, Dia Ao Thuat, hoc ao thuat, mien phi, Gianni Vox

Gianni Vox's second release with Ellusionist brings cards into the mix. 

Move involves two playing cards. The spectator signs one card, you sign the other. Your initials snap and jump from the face of your card, to the face of their signed card. 

Two signatures on the face of one card, a souvenir and an impossible story to tell their friends.

Add Move to your repertoire right now.
Move by Gianni Vox Ellusionist, Move by Gianni Vox, Ao Thuat, Day Ao Thuat, Dia Ao Thuat, hoc ao thuat, mien phi, Gianni Vox

Move by Gianni Vox Ellusionist, Move by Gianni Vox, Ao Thuat, Day Ao Thuat, Dia Ao Thuat, hoc ao thuat, mien phi, Gianni Vox

password : comment your email

Move by Gianni Vox Ellusionist, Move by Gianni Vox, Ao Thuat, Day Ao Thuat, Dia Ao Thuat, hoc ao thuat, mien phi, Gianni Vox
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