
Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink Unknown Monday, October 8, 2018 23 Comments

Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink
Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink, free DVD Magic, Ao thuat, Day Ao thuat, Mien phi, Hoc Ao thuat,   download magic, magic free, magician, tutorial magic, free tutorial magic, free magic, xem ao thuat,   huong dan ao thuat, ao thuat mien phi, Rick lak, Sansminds, shim lim, daniel madison, coin magic,   close up, card tricks, murphys, gimmick, patrick kun, joshua jay, ntn 5 tro ao thuat kinh dien, ntn ao   thuat thu vi, ntn ao thuat kinh dien, 5 tro ao thuat don gian, ntn giai ma ao thuat, huong dan lam ao   thuat bai, ao thuat bai co huong dan, ao thuat bai hay nhat, ao thuat bai cung j, ao thuat bai don gian,   co huong dan ao thuat bai doan suy nghi cua khan gia, ao thuat bai ngoc nguyen, magic 22,   freedvdmagic,free dvd magic tutorial, free magic trick, sansmind, www pesulap, kenh ao thuat,   download dvd magic tricks, Jaehoon Lim, illusions magic, иллюзия магии,magic tricks to do at home,   magic tricks cards, magic tricks youtube, easy magic trick, magic tricks with paper, learn magic tricks,   magic tricks games, magic tricks with coins, Волшебные трюки, волшебные трюки для детей,   фокусы для детей, детские фокусы, фокусы для детей 5 лет, легкие фокусы, простые фокусы   для детей ,фокусы для детей дома, фокусник на свадьбу, смотреть фокусы для детей, tours de magie avec des cartes, tours de magie facile, tour de magie expliqué, tour de magie gratuit, tour de magie carte explication, tour de magie incroyable, comment faire des tours de magie, tour de magie avec explication, tour de magie avec des cartes pour débutant, tour de magie carte impressionnant explication, tour de magie carte explication, apprendre tour de magie carte, tour de magie carte mathématique, tour de magie carte youtube, tour de magie gratuit, tour de magie débutant, Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink, Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink, Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink, Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink

Peter Eggink’s original “Haunted” was very popular and sold out quickly. Mark Traversoni then experimented for literally hundreds of hours with the concept to evolve it into this final tribute to Peter’s creation.
Based on the same method as “Haunted”, this new version comes with enhanced materials and completely new concepts, making the effect much more practical and durable.

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The effect

Your start with a normal shuffled deck, placing the spectator’s signed card square into it and set the deck onto the table. You can then WALK AWAY from the deck and even cover the deck with a clear bowl (just like in Peter’s original effect, you are compltely disconnected from the deck).
A few moments of silence… and then the upper half of the deck eerily starts moving. It slowly SLIDES away from the lower half! After the top half of the deck has stopped moving, there’s a pause… then the CARD UNDER IT starts moving in a different direction! This single haunted card slowly slithers and creeps away from the rest of the deck, until it finally stops. You can then let your spectator take the card from the deck, and she will find that it’s her signed selection.
Best of all? You end up with a normal deck!
  • Stick of secret stuff has been replaced with custom “Haunted Chips” that take out all the guess work.
  • Comes with special tips on how to speed up or slow down the movement of the deck and selection.
  • You start and finish with a normal deck.
  • No palming or switches. Very easy to do.
  • Gimmick is completely self-contained, and there is nothing attached to the performer or table.
DVD includes 10 Haunted performances in a row. One take. No edits. Just so you know that 2.0 is 100% worker friendly.
Comes complete with 2 evolved Haunted gimmicks, 20 Haunted Chips, supplies for about 1000 performances, plus a DVD of Mark Traversoni’s 2.0 handling, and Peter Eggink’s original Haunted instructions.
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by KK Magic

KK Magic is a Web Share Magic tutorial. Web chia sẻ DVD Ảo Thuật hoàn toàn miễn phí. Cám ơn bạn đã ghé thăm. Theo Dõi chúng tôi để cập nhật nhiều DVD mới nhe !

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  1. flasterd3@gmail.com
    password please
    thanks for sharing :)

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    1. Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink
      I emailed you, please check the mailbox, thank you !

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    1. Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink
      I emailed you, please check the mailbox, thank you !

  5. Replies
    1. Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink
      I emailed you, please check the mailbox, thank you !

  6. Haunted 2.0 by Peter Eggink
    I emailed you, please check the mailbox, thank you !

  7. Createcuttingshapes@gmail.com

  8. please send me password


  9. smartkid28@gmail.com please give me the drive password for the .rar file

  10. smartkid28@gmail.com pleaaaaasse

  11. Please email password Haunted 2.0 richardstanwood@gmail.com
